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Centaurea apiculata Ledeb. ssp. spinulosa (Rochel) Dostal



Flora Europaea

mesoxeric to mesic grassland species quite frequently acting also like a ruderal; favoured by grazing

Circumpontic-Eastern Central European

Cisio-Brachypodion, Festucetalia valesiacae, Arrhenatheretalia, not rare in Artemisietea vulgaris sometimes in Galio-Urticetea

R34, R35, R37 and R38 habitats from mid altitudes (usually 250-1200m), not rare in some of the R87s

Common in Romania, seemingly with the exception of Dobrudja.





This is the most common Centaurea of the subgenus Acrocentron from entire Romania (except Dobrudja) especially in the hilly and mountainous area. The subspecies is Circumpontic while the other two ssp. adpressa and ssp. apiculata are north Pontic

Pictures taken from Cluj-Napoca, in mesic meadows dominated by Brachypodium pinnatum fromFaget forest area on July 2005

dr. Alexandru Badarau, alexandru@transsilvanica.com

Pictures taken from Bontida - Visea area (Cluj county) on the meadows from Sarata Hill, also in mesic grasslands dominated by Brachypodium pinnatum on 31st of JUly 2005.


The pictures below were taken at Plugova meadows (Caras-Severin county) above Maliniac gully not far away from Globurau village. The mysterious Centaurea globurensis was described by E.J. Nyarady in the 40s of the XXth century excatly from here. Nothing else but large populations of Centaurea apiculata ssp. spinulosa can be found here most of the individuals having anthodia tightly clustered in 2-5 at the top of the main stem, a character of the supposed Centaurea globurensis. This mutation, which is so frequent here occurs rarely in other 'normal' populations of the taxon. However, C. globurensis had involucral bracts which resembles more Centaurea scabiosa L. but such individuals can be found also in the populations of Centaurea apiculata ssp. spinulosa.

dr. Alexandru Badarau, alexandru@transsilvanica.com
















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